Nonviolence Agreement

1. The vigil Aug 5-9th is a nonviolent action. This action will not be civil disobedience. Participants will stand and sit in the hallway outside Congress member. 2
2.Panetta’s office. If police ask us to leave (in violation of our 1st Amendment rights), we will leave without resisting arrest.
3. Participants will speak respectfully to everyone we encounter.
4. We will not obstruct or disrupt the Panetta office or any activity at the County building.
5. Participants may enter the Panetta office to respectfully offer a personal communication. 
6. These nonviolence agreements were decided by consensus at the organizing meeting for this vigil.
If any persons acts in a way contrary to these nonviolence agreements, leaders and participants will ask them to act according to our agreements. If they continue, leaders and participants will ask them to leave.


1. Educate the public about the gap between Rep. Jimmy Panetta’s record of enabling the Israeli military attacks in Gaza that have devastated the non-combatant population, in violation of international law, and the public’s cry for a permanent ceasefire and a just peace.
2. We ask Congress Member Jimmy Panetta to respond to our requests that he:
a) Advocate for an embargo on arms shipments to Israel to secure a permanent ceasefire,
b) Vote for conditions on U.S. aid to Israel requiring direct steps to withdraw from the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank;
c)Advocate statehood and equal rights for the Palestinian people.


Caren Camblin is an award-winning philosophy teacher at UCSC, and founder of Niji Dojo: classes in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu and yoga.

Peter Klotz Chamberlain co-founded the Resource Center for Nonviolence in 1976.

Tim Fitzmaurice’s  creative writing classes at UCSC were highly rated by students. A former mayor of Santa Cruz, he currently teaches writing in prisons.

Kar Fraser volunteers with the restorative justice program at the Conflict Resolution Center. 

Gabriela is an international grassroots women’s organization working for human rights in the Philippines

Batya Kagan, MFT, is past president of Chadeish Yameinu, a local Jewish Renewal congregation.

Unhae Langis, former literature teacher, is a humanist-activist for climate and social justice.

Michael Levy plays with the Rock Shabbat band at Temple Beth El, leads co-counseling workshops, and composes songs of empowerment in the global crisis.

Rick Longinotti, MFT, is co-founder of Nonviolent Communication Santa Cruz, and chair of Campaign for Sustainable Transportation.

Ami Chen Mills is a coach, host  of “Moment of Truth” on KSQD, and author of The Spark Inside and State of Mind in the Classroom

Jean Morrison has taught Nonviolent Communication for 35 years.

Andrew Purchin, LCSW, uses art to encourage dialogue, empathy and new ways of thinking.

Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices. 

Click here to read and download Bill Monning